Friday, June 29, 2012


A recommended brake job is based on the condition of the brake pads and rotors.
Brake jobs are generally done about every 30,000 miles which is equal to about two years, depending on driving habits.

How to know when you need a brake job:

  • Pulsating or grinding when you brake
  • Strange noises when braking or difficulty braking
  • Thin, worn or rusted rotors
  • 0%-25% remaining material on brake pads (30% or more could mean about 5,000 miles for safe driving)
1. The more stop and go driving or city road driving you do, the faster brakes will wear, which will allow for less then the average 30,000 miles life expectancy of the brakes. 
2. When you get to the auto repair shop for a brake job you can ask the technician to show you the pads and rotors to see the width, ware or if there is any rust. The images below give a general idea of what you will be looking at.